Unscripted Series
It takes only a glimpse to judge a book by its cover.
The idea of this series was to question the stereotypes we assume about another person at a first glance. We wanted to simulate the idea of meeting someone for the first time, firstly by using our instagram audience to answer some questions about a participant based on a short video of them. And then the participant reacts to these assumptions, in a video format. Here, the participant gets to share their story and break any stereotype or assumptions people might’ve had of them.
Watch the videos here.
To create this series, there were quite a few challenges that we had to overcome.
Here’s a breakdown of how One Of Us was created!
Ideally, we wanted to bring the participant to a set and shoot their reactions but due to the pandemic, we had to rethink our approach. We wanted to present the participant's story and audience’s reaction in an interesting manner, we experimented with motion design to create a cohesive structure to our videos. We wanted to achieve an end product that was both appealing to look at and simple enough to replicate for forthcoming episodes.
Our post-production workflow involved the integration of Premiere Pro and After effects. We used a combination of polls, screenshots, sliders (for data visualization), memes, short story animations, and pictures of the participant to weave a story under 10 minutes.
To make the elements of the series cohesive in style, we decided that the logo needed to be finalised. If we could get the idea of One of Us into the logo, that would help inform the decisions going forward with the rest of the designs.
Here, you can see some of the first ideas for the logo that were rejected.

Final Logo
It captured the idea of One of Us the best. We get to assume things about a person on a phone screen. The button on the phone represents the active nature of the viewer to interact in the series. The phone and the person are simplified shapes in the ‘O’ of One Of Us. Once we had decided on the logo, the shapes in the logo became the building blocks for the design of the series.
Visualizing The Data
One of the biggest challenges we faced was how to represent the data of all the assumptions made in simple and effective visuals for the audience. We had a few different types of questions that we could ask the audience through the Instagram platform.